Managers Are Experiencing More Burnout Than Ever – Management Training Can Help

Being a manager is more than just holding a title; it is about inspiring, leading, and making an impact on an organization and those within it. In today's dynamic, post-pandemic environment, the role of a manager has evolved into a challenging balancing act. A recent article by Gallup at Work titled, “The Manager Squeeze: How the New Workplace is Testing Team Leaders,” found that managers are more likely than non-managers to be:   

  • disengaged at work  

  • burned out  

  • looking for a new job  

  • feeling like their organization does not care about their wellbeing  

And one finding in particular stands out:   

Only 48% of managers strongly agree that they currently have the skills needed to be exceptional at their job.  

The Management Training Puzzle  

Being a manager can feel like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. The Gallup article laid it bare - managers are disengaged, overwhelmed, and craving change. They are looking for an escape route, and organizations cannot afford to ignore this. Managers are the backbone of any thriving organization, and when they face challenges, the entire operation can be at risk.  

When managers are not properly supported, they feel disconnected, unaligned with their organization, and uninspired to do their best work.  The Gallup article points directly to this in finding that employees’ unmet needs is one of the main reasons for the managerial squeeze, stating, “Managers need to feel their leaders care and that they’re receiving continuous development in their careers while balancing their personal wellbeing.”   

The article also points out that “organizations are not teaching managers to have meaningful conversations at the right frequency with their teams. They receive little training on best practices in employee engagement and performance development. And they are often on their own when it comes to identifying their team’s strengths and coaching them with those strengths in mind.”   

Providing opportunities for development for your managers is not only valuable for their professional growth, it also demonstrates your investment in them and their future success, which is why our management training series, Managing for Impact, is so effective. Managing for Impact (MFI) is an immersive, hands-on program that is designed to provide managers with the tools and resources to embrace a leadership mindset, and be an inclusive, communicative, and accountable manager.   

One of the highlights of MFI is the introduction of MyEverything DiSC. Using the DiSC Workplace assessment tool, each manager uncovers their unique work style and learns how to translate their results to effectively lead others who have styles that both complement and challenge their own. This further enhances their ability to foster greater communication and collaboration with those they manage. 

Inclusivity, Communication, and Inspiring High Performance  

In the same way the Gallup article finds managers feel discouraged by a lack of communication from their supervisors and leaders, employees can also feel disengaged or overlooked for the same reasons. MFI teaches managers not only how to adopt a leadership mindset, but how to become an inclusive and communicative leader, ensuring that direct reports are supported in the ways they need to be successful in their roles starting with the onboarding process and continuing through performance management. Managers in MFI will learn how to provide effective feedback that encompasses empathy, clarity, and structure, with the intent to foster individual growth. They will also learn how to create a culture of trust within their teams and understand how that sense of connection and accountability will truly make a difference in the performance of their teams. 

Community of Managers  

Participants will learn all of this and apply it in real-time with live virtual workshops and engaging exercises with their cohort. They will connect with facilitators and peers who have walked the same path, share experiences, learn from successes, and overcome challenges together. MFI builds a supportive network for participants that lasts long after the program ends – which is another key finding in the Gallup poll: “While managers’ jobs are to create a productive community within their team, they are also part of their own community of managers. Frequent interactions among peers enhance collaboration, coordination, best practice sharing, leadership advice, and emotional support.”  

Being a manager can be a deeply rewarding role. With a greater understanding of best practices and with valuable resources and tools, managers can cultivate positive relationships with their team members and derive genuine satisfaction from observing their growth and development within the organization.  

Managing for Impact breathes new life into the managerial journey, equipping managers with the essential skills that not only make building cohesive, high-trust, and high-performing teams possible, but enjoyable. It transforms managers who merely keep the ship afloat into inspirational leaders who steer their organizations to new heights.  

Your managers hold the key to your organization's success, and MFI is the catalyst that unlocks their full potential. Enroll them in our next MFI series today and witness the remarkable achievements your teams can attain under their guidance. 


Contact Loeb Leadership today.


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