Exploring the Myth of the Zero-Sum Model in the Legal Profession: Insights from Loeb Leadership’s DEI Webinar

At Loeb Leadership, we believe in fostering conversations that challenge outdated mindsets and help create more inclusive, forward-thinking leadership. Recently, two of our seasoned DEI experts, Joy Stephens and David B. Sarnoff, partnered with the Practising Law Institute (PLI) to deliver a dynamic and thought-provoking webinar titled "It's Fire, Not Pie: Exploring the Legal Profession Myth of the Zero-Sum Model in the DEI World."

The session focused on an all-too-common misconception within the legal profession: that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives somehow diminish opportunities for those in positions of power. Joy and David deftly dispelled this myth, engaging attendees in a conversation that reframed the idea of resource-sharing as a catalyst for growth, rather than a zero-sum game. The overwhelming positive feedback from attendees underscores the need for these conversations in the legal community and beyond.

Shifting Mindsets: DEI as an Opportunity for Growth, Not a Threat

The legal profession, like many others, often operates with a "zero-sum" mentality — a belief that opportunities are finite, and sharing them means losing out. Joy and David used the metaphor of fire vs. pie to explain the fallacy of this mindset. While pie suggests that giving someone else a slice leaves you with less, fire is different: sharing it allows everyone to thrive without diminishing your own resources. This compelling analogy struck a chord with attendees:

"This was one of the best sessions I've been to in years. It was great discussion of how to be a better leader, not just for DEI but all around."

"Most interesting DEI presentation I have ever attended. Thank you."

The conversation helped leaders see that by sharing their "spark"—their resources, insights, and opportunities—they can help ignite others' potential, ultimately contributing to the growth of the entire organization. Leadership, in this view, isn’t about hoarding resources, but empowering others to contribute their unique perspectives and talents.

Moving from "Haves and Have-Nots" to Collective Empowerment

One of the key insights from the webinar was how the zero-sum mentality affects leadership decisions around DEI in law firms. If leaders believe there are only “haves” and “have-nots,” they may hesitate to champion diversity initiatives, fearing it will detract from their own success. However, when diversity is embraced, the firm as a whole benefits from a richer, more innovative team. Attendees appreciated the way these ideas were presented, with one remarking:

“Presenters did not speak in platitudes, which I really appreciated.”

This kind of honest, direct dialogue is what makes these conversations so impactful. Leaders were given practical steps to shift their thinking—from guarding their resources to actively fostering a culture of support and mutual growth.

Leadership’s Role in Sharing Resources and Promoting Equity

Joy and David also addressed the crucial role that leadership plays in ensuring equitable access to opportunities and resources. By breaking down the misconception that diversity initiatives detract from individual success, the speakers highlighted that leadership isn't about protecting one's position at the top—it’s about pulling others up alongside you. This perspective encourages legal professionals to view DEI work not as a burden, but as an opportunity for collective success. The Q&A portion of the session further deepened this discussion, with attendees praising the presenters’ thoughtful engagement:

“The presenters handled the questions very well!”

"Great speakers, great program!"

“This was an amazing program. I am so glad I had the opportunity to listen and learn.”

Continuing the Conversation: The Value of Longer Sessions

The positive feedback didn’t stop at content alone. Many participants noted that the one-hour session was simply not long enough to fully explore the complexities of the topic. Attendees expressed a strong desire for extended or additional sessions:

“A longer, or more hour-long, webinars on this topic would be very interesting.”

“Make at least 90 minutes. Info was really practical. Q&A helpful.”

This feedback speaks to the immense value of these conversations in shaping not just individual mindsets, but broader organizational cultures. At Loeb Leadership, we are committed to facilitating these important dialogues and providing leaders with the tools they need to create more inclusive, empowered teams.

Why Conversations Like This Matter

At Loeb Leadership, we understand that addressing myths like the zero-sum mindset is essential to creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace. As the legal profession continues to evolve, leaders who embrace DEI as a strength—not a threat—will be better positioned to foster growth, innovation, and long-term success. The overwhelmingly positive response from this webinar only reinforces the importance of continuing these conversations and expanding access to leadership development that emphasizes inclusivity and collaboration.

We are grateful to everyone who attended and contributed to the rich discussion, and we look forward to hosting more sessions that challenge assumptions and inspire leadership excellence. For those seeking to dive deeper into this topic or explore tailored leadership development solutions, we invite you to connect with us at Loeb Leadership—where we develop extraordinary, inclusive leaders.

Join the next conversation!

If you missed this session, be sure to stay tuned for upcoming events and thought leadership articles from Loeb Leadership. We regularly host our "Real Talk" webinar series, where we tackle timely and impactful topics like the zero-sum mindset, allyship, creating inclusive workplaces, navigating polarizing viewpoints, generational divides, and more. These sessions are designed to spark honest, insightful conversations and provide actionable strategies to help leaders and teams thrive. You can learn more about our upcoming webinars and other resources by visiting our Real Talk page below. Together, we can create workplaces where every leader has the opportunity to shine their light.

Contact Loeb Leadership today.


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